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Active Drivers Details Export


The "Active Driver Details Export" feature allows system users to download a CSV file containing details of active drivers. This file is generated for a specific lease company and includes relevant driver information sorted alphabetically by driver names.


The purpose of this export file is to provide lease companies with an organized list of active drivers, including important details like license check dates and risk categories. The exported data helps track and manage driver compliance efficiently.

File format

Compressed ZIP file containing a CSV file

File Naming Convention



Column NamedataFormat
Driver Namename of the Drivefull name
Employee IDemployee id of driver
Licence Checked Datedate when licence check performeddd- mon-yyyy
Next Check Datenext license check datedd- mon-yyyy
Risk CategoryRisk Category (Low/ Medium/ High)(Low/ Medium/ High)
Penalty PointsPenalty Points against driver
Check Statuslicence checked status ‘Success’ / ‘Error’‘Success’ / ‘Error’
Reason Of ErrorSystem Error message displayed when license check failsex: Record for supplied DLN(driver licence number) cannot be found
Driver disqualifieddriver disqualified statusdisplay ‘YES’ if driver is disqualified if not disqualified then display ‘No’

Note: If data is not available for a specific field, the corresponding value in the CSV file will be empty.

Data source

The data for this export is pulled from the system's internal database, filtered to include only active drivers associated with the specified lease company.


The file generation process will be automatically scheduled to run at specified intervals after the initial setup. However, the scheduler must be manually set up for each lease company for the first time. Once this manual setup is complete, the scheduler will handle subsequent file generation automatically.

Setup Required

A scheduler must be set up to run the file generation process at the specified intervals. The task should be configured as follows:

  • Name: generateActiveDriverDetailsCSV
  • Region: europe-west2
  • Frequency: Daily at midnight
  • TimeZone: GMT London
  • Topic: projects/biddirect-2/topics/generateActiveDriverDetailsCSV
  • Message body: JSON object including leaseCompanyId

Examples of Generated Files

A sample CSV with data:

Driver Name,Employee ID,Licence Checked Date,Next Check Date,Risk Category,Penalty Points,Check Status,Reason Of Error,Driver disqualified
Edward,EA1023,21-aug-2024,22-aug-2024,MEDIUM,0,Error,Record for supplied DLN(driver licence number) cannot be found,NO

An empty CSV file:

Driver Name,Employee ID,Licence Checked Date,Next Check Date,Risk Category,Penalty Points,Check Status,Reason Of Error,Driver disqualified

Note: The generated CSV file is stored at the following location:


Downloading Active Driver Details File

The generated file can be downloaded from the Visn platform by following these steps:

  1. Login to the Visn platform.
  2. Navigate to - Compliance -> Driver
  3. In the DRIVER LICENCE CHECKS section, locate the Active box, which displays the count of active drivers.
  4. Click the Download button next to the active drivers count to download the file.
Status: Accepted
Category: Protected
Authored By: Rushikesh Bhandare on Aug 30, 2024